Create the life you want

As I write this, it’s the 3rd anniversary of a life-changing event: being made redundant (if you don’t know that crazy/magic story, read this blog here).

Mid June has since then, been a time for reflection. When I think how much has changed in the last years, it all seems quite surreal.

For a long time I went to work just to earn a living and never felt really true to myself. Deep down I knew I was meant for something different, but did not know what (and let alone how).

For years I felt disconnected to what I spent most of my days doing (working) and only felt ‘at home’ and found peace when on the mat after work.

On a few occasions through the years, I was asked by friends, colleagues and one of my yoga teachers too, why wouldn’t I quit my job and teach yoga instead.

The idea made me laugh out loud and awakened my inner critic. With it, came all the reasons why it wouldn’t work (not good enough, wouldn’t make enough money, too much insecurity…).

But at some point something shifted.

Half way through my year of training (which I did just for my self, not with the intention to teach after), I felt the calling. I knew really wanted to teach. But how!? How do you leave the security of a decently paid office job to go be self employed!?

Sometimes there is a force bigger than yourself that shows you the way…

I was made redundant Monday 13thJune and graduated (after a year long training), that same week, on Sunday 19thJune.

A coincidence? Maybe.

A sign? I definitely saw it as one and followed along.

Taking a step back, a fundamental part of this life changing experience was my mind-set change. Changing all the ‘I can’t’ and ‘I’m not good enough’, with ‘I can’, ‘I am good enough’!

And a critical part in changing my mind-set was a book called “101 Power Thoughts” by Louise Hay. Almost every morning, for 2 years, I put the audio book on and listened to it while fighting for my personal space on the packed London transport.

Without even realising, I turned commuting time into self development time.

Louise Hay’s words had a massive impact on my way of thinking (and still do). Like she used to say, I let her words fertilise the soil of my mind, with the ingredients I needed to go beyond my limiting believes.

Now I know all I went through was leading me here. 3 years into teaching, I am the most satisfied with my job I’ve ever been.

Positive affirmations played a key role in getting me to where I am today. I am sharing this with you hoping they can help your self development too, whatever that means to you in this moment of your life.

What You Put Your Attention on Grows

We are culturally taught to fight the negative mentally — thinking that if we do so, the positive will automatically come to us. It doesn’t work that way.

How often have you lamented about what you didn’t want? Did it ever bring you what you really wanted? Fighting the negative is a total waste of time if you really want to make changes in your life.

The more you dwell on what you don’t want, the more of it you create.

The things about yourself or your life that you have always disliked are probably still with you.

What you put your attention on grows and becomes permanent in your life. Move away from the negative, and put your attention on what it is that you really do want to be or have. Let’s turn the above negative affirmations into positive affirmations.


Learn to think in positive affirmations. Affirmations can be any statement you make. Too often we think in negative affirmations. Negative affirmations only create more of what you say you don’t want. Saying, “I hate my job,” will get you nowhere. Declaring, “I now accept a wonderful new job,” will open the channels in your consciousness to create that.

Continually make positive statements about how you want your life to be. However, there is one point that is very important in this: Always make your statement in the PRESENT TENSE, such as “I am” or “I have.” Your subconscious mind is such an obedient servant that if you declare in the future tense, “I want,” or “I will have,” then that is where that idea will always stay — just out of your reach in the future!

While they may ring untrue at first, you will quickly adapt and they will ring natural quickly.

Here are some of my favourite affirmations from Louise Hay’s book:

  • I am open to the new and changing. Every moment presents a wonderful opportunity to become more of who I am.
  • All experiences are opportunities for me to learn and grow and I am safe.
  • I am so delighted to live in my wonderful body, it has been given to me to use for the rest of my life and I cherish it and take loving care of it.
  • I am totally open and receptive to a wonderful new position, using my creative talents and abilities. Working with and for people I love, in a wonderful location and earning good money.
  • I deserve rest and quiet when I need it and I create a space in my life where I go to get what I need.

If you are curious to hear more and try affirmation work, I recommend you get this book in audio format and listen to it over and over, until you notice your mental patterns shift.

4 thoughts on “Create the life you want

  1. Ciao Ghanda. Il libro che citi può essere stato tradotto in italiano come “pensiero positivo. 365 affermazioni positive”? Grazie 🙏

    1. Ciao Maya, non credo sia lo stesso libro. Controlla se l’autore e’ M. Beattie, in quel caso immagino sia lo stesso. Pero’ io ho dato un occhio e non mi sembra ci sia la traduzione in italiano di questo libro sinceramente

        1. Se sai un po’ l inglese sono abbastanza corte e semplici da poter provare secondo me!

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